

In the heart of the North East of Scotland, where the rugged coastline meets the relentless North Sea, Macduff stands as a testament to a century and more of seafaring excellence. Wild about shellfish, Macduff has earned its reputation as the foremost processor of wild shellfish in Europe. With a singular focus on perfection, Macduff brings the untamed bounty of the sea to discerning customers worldwide. With well over a century at sea, Macduff embodies a legacy of mastery, dedication, and unparalleled experience.

At Macduff, the mantra is clear – Focused on Four. Specializing exclusively in wild scallops, langoustines, crabs, and whelks, Macduff's commitment to excellence is unwavering. Collaborating closely with fishermen across the UK, and operating from a state-of-the-art plant in North Eastern Scotland, Macduff ensures a remarkably consistent and reliable supply of shellfish in raw, cooked, fresh, and frozen forms, tailored to diverse specifications.

With 130 years entrenched in the grand tradition of North East Scotland's maritime heritage, Macduff intimately understands the ebb and flow of the seas, the rhythms of the ports, and the stories of fishing families, making them a unique and cherished part of the region's history. As the sea evolves, so does Macduff, ready to navigate the changing tides with a wisdom that spans four generations.

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