Tomahawk Steak with Truffle Baked Potatoes and Charcoaled Vegetables

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40m prep

30m cook

1 servings

Difficulty: Medium


  • Angus Beef Tomahawk from Australia
  • Potatoes Agria
  • Vellutata White Winter Truffle 90g
  • Fresh summer truffle
  • Rosemary from Italy
  • Plain Yogurt Lactose-free Frozen
  • Egg Fresh Local 15pcs
  • Yellow Mustard Squeeze
  • Butter Italian Unsalted
  • Olive Oil Extra Virgin Casinetto 250ml



  • Take the meat out of the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature, allowing it to sit for at least 20 minutes before cooking.
  • Season the meat with salt and pepper on both sides.
  • Preheat the grill and cook the meat for at least 4 minutes on each side until desired doneness is achieved.
  • Transfer the meat to the oven and bake at 180°C (350°F) for another 10 minutes.
  • Once done, let the meat rest for a few minutes before serving.


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).
  • Wash and dry the potatoes, then wrap them individually in aluminum foil.
  • Place the wrapped potatoes on a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven until they become soft and tender.
  • Remove the potatoes from the oven and carefully cut them in the middle.
  • Scoop out the heart of the potatoes and mix it with truffle cream, salt, and black pepper to taste.
  • Put the potato stuffing back inside the potato shells.
  • Bake the stuffed potatoes in the oven for an additional 5 minutes at 180°C (350°F) to meld the flavors.


  • Boil an egg for 8 minutes until it is hard-boiled.
  • In a blender, blend the boiled egg with lactose-free yogurt, olive oil, and mustard until smooth.


  • Slice the zucchini and grill them with a drizzle of olive oil until tender and slightly charred.
  • Charcoal the whole eggplant until the skin is completely blackened.
  • Peel the skin off the eggplant and season it with olive oil and salt.


  • Plate the cooked meat, truffle baked potatoes, and charcoaled vegetables on a family feast plate.
  • Serve with the egg sauce on the side.

Enjoy your delightful and delicious family feast!

Buon Appetito!


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