Sweet Melon

Various producers

2 Kg

Country of Origin: UAE


AED 11.78

Indulge in the exquisite sweetness and revitalizing flavour of Sweet Melon, the ultimate addition to your snacking, smoothie, and dessert selections. Our melons are carefully sourced and chosen for their exceptional quality, ensuring an unparalleled snacking experience every time.

  • At Sweet Melon, we take pride in partnering with only the most reputable suppliers who prioritize quality above all else. Our melons undergo a rigorous selection process to guarantee that you receive only the juiciest, most flavorful fruit available.
  • Elevate your favourite recipes into extraordinary treats with Sweet Melon's natural sweetness, effortlessly enriching the taste of your desserts and smoothies. Whether you're whipping up a refreshing fruit salad or a creamy melon smoothie, Sweet Melon is the key ingredient that takes your creations to the next level.
  • For the health-conscious, Sweet Melon is the ideal snacking choice, with minimal calories and an abundance of nutritional benefits. Our fruit caters to your cravings while keeping you on track with your fitness goals, contributing to your overall well-being and promoting a balanced lifestyle. Don't settle for less - choose Sweet Melon to satisfy your cravings with a superior snacking experience.
Sweet Melon
Halal: Yes
Lactose Free: Yes
Organic: No
Suitable for Vegetarians: Yes
Suitable for Vegan: Yes
Gluten Free: Yes

Store in a cool, dark place to maintain its freshness and flavour.

Our product information, such as names, descriptions, specifications, and serving suggestion images, is not intended to provide a complete legal description of the products, and may not include all relevant information, including allergens. Casinetto may modify product specifications or information at any time without prior notice, and these changes may not be reflected online immediately. To access the latest and most comprehensive information about our products, including allergen details, please refer to the information on the product packaging.

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