Baby Watermelon from Italy

Various producers

3 Kg

Country of Origin: Italy


AED 83.46

Baby Watermelons are sweet, juicy and super-rich in water content. On the inside, they have bright red flesh and small black seeds and on the outside, they are smooth-skinned and have dark green streaks. They are a precious source of potassium, iron and magnesium.

  • Baby watermelons provide the right amount of sugar, vitamins, mineral salts, and fibre essential for the body.
  • With a low percentage of calories and no fat, baby watermelons are ideal for a healthy diet.
  • Enjoy baby watermelons in aperitifs or as a healthy post-meal snack in summer.

Baby Watermelon

Halal: Yes
Lactose Free: Yes
Organic: No
Suitable for Vegetarians: Yes
Suitable for Vegan: Yes
Gluten Free: Yes

Store baby watermelon in the refrigerator, ideally in the crisper drawer.

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7 Kg

AED 14.42


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