Duck Confit 4 Legs

Domaine Du Perié

1 Piece (1.24kg)

Country of Origin: France

AED 125.28

Prepare to embark on a gastronomic journey that transcends ordinary dining with the delectable delicacy known as Duck Confit Leg. This culinary masterpiece is a true testament to the art of preserving and elevating the humble duck leg into a succulent, flavour-packed experience that will leave your taste buds yearning for more. At first glance, the duck confit leg presents itself as a work of culinary art. The leg, expertly seasoned with a blend of aromatic herbs and spices, is tenderly nestled within its own rendered fat, which glistens enticingly, promising a melt-in-your-mouth sensation. The skin is bronzed to a crisp perfection, offering a delightful contrast to the fork-tender meat concealed within. With each forkful, you embark on a culinary voyage. The skin yields to reveal a treasure trove of rich, succulent meat. Every bite is an exquisite blend of flavours and textures - the crispy, crackling skin harmonizing with the tender, juicy flesh beneath.
  • The slow-cooking process, which is the hallmark of duck confit, results in a leg that's infused with an irresistible depth of flavour. The duck leg is gently poached in its own fat until it reaches a state of culinary nirvana, where the meat practically falls off the bone and the skin shatters with a satisfying crunch.
  • Served alongside a medley of seasonal vegetables or a bed of silky mashed potatoes, the duck confit leg is a harmonious symphony of textures and tastes. The richness of the meat is balanced by the earthy, umami notes of the confit process, creating a culinary experience that is both decadent and comforting.
  • This dish is more than just a meal; it's a celebration of traditional French cuisine, where time-honoured techniques and careful preparation transform a simple duck leg into an extraordinary gastronomic adventure.
Duck legs, duck fat and salt
Nutritional Information per 100g
Energy (kJ): 1343
Energy (kcal): 323
Protein (g): 24
Carbohydrate (g): 2.1,
of which sugars (g): 0.5
Fat (g): 24,
of which saturates (g): 8.1
Salt (g): 2
Halal: Yes
Lactose Free: Yes
Organic: No
Suitable for Vegetarians: No
Suitable for Vegan: No
Gluten Free: Yes
Store at room temperature
Metal tin
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