Milk-fed Veal Ribeye Frozen 200g x 4pcs

Various producers

1 Piece (800g)

Country of Origin: Netherlands

AED 205.37

The Milkfed ribeye steaks come from the most tender part of the veal, towards the front. This tender meat can be used to create many creative dishes. The ribeye joint is marbled with fat so it is a succulent and tender steak to eat.

  • Versatile meat with numerous menu applications from the Netherlands, world-renowned for its quality of premium milk-fed veal.
  • Rib-eye of a decent size and serving portion, making for an impressive steak dinner
  • Cook for 2 minutes per side on a hot grill pan and enjoy the best veal ribeye steak.


Halal: Yes
Lactose Free: Yes
Organic: No
Suitable for Vegetarians: No
Suitable for Vegan: No
Gluten Free: Yes
Store at -18°C. Do not refreeze after thawing.
Our product information, such as names, descriptions, specifications, and serving suggestion images, is not intended to provide a complete legal description of the products, and may not include all relevant information, including allergens. Casinetto may modify product specifications or information at any time without prior notice, and these changes may not be reflected online immediately. To access the latest and most comprehensive information about our products, including allergen details, please refer to the information on the product packaging.

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