
Various producers

1.6 Kg

Country of Origin: Philippines


AED 8.29

Pineapple, scientifically known as Ananas Comosus Merr, is one of the most popular tropical fruits. They have a strong solid exterior layer and a juicy yellow inside. Despite being sweet, pineapples are low in calories. 
  • They are rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants.
  • Pineapples contain high amounts of vitamin C and manganese.
  • They are a popular tropical fruit and contain low calories.
Halal: Yes
Lactose Free: Yes
Organic: No
Suitable for Vegetarians: Yes
Suitable for Vegan: Yes
Gluten Free: Yes

Store in the refrigerator if fully ripe to slow down ripening, or at room temperature if still unripe to allow it to ripen fully.

Our product information, such as names, descriptions, specifications, and serving suggestion images, is not intended to provide a complete legal description of the products, and may not include all relevant information, including allergens. Casinetto may modify product specifications or information at any time without prior notice, and these changes may not be reflected online immediately. To access the latest and most comprehensive information about our products, including allergen details, please refer to the information on the product packaging.

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Various producers - South Africa


AED 11.27


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