Duck Foie Gras Whole Lobe from France Frozen

Domaine Du Perié


Country of Origin: France

AED 272.32

Domaine du Perie takes pride in sourcing only the finest ducks, ensuring that each lobe of foie gras meets the highest standards of quality and taste. Experience the epitome of culinary excellence with the noble Duck Foie Gras Lobe that is halal-certified from Domaine du Perie – a true masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on your palate.

  • Elevate your dining experience with the Duck Foie Gras Lobe from Domaine du Perie. This luxurious delicacy is renowned for its rich, velvety texture and buttery flavour. It's a true gourmet delight that will impress even the most discerning palates, making it perfect for special occasions or when you simply crave a touch of culinary decadence.
  • Each lobe of Duck Foie Gras is meticulously handcrafted to ensure exceptional quality and flavour. Produced with utmost care and expertise, this foie gras embodies the dedication of skilled artisans who have perfected the traditional techniques passed down through generations. With every bite, you'll experience the expertise and craftsmanship that goes into creating this gastronomic masterpiece.
  • The Duck Foie Gras Lobe opens up a world of culinary possibilities. Whether pan-seared for a caramelized crust or used in elegant terrines and pâtés, this versatile ingredient takes dishes to new heights. Its luscious texture and distinct flavour profile make it an ideal pairing with various accompaniments, from sweet fruits and chutneys to crusty bread. Elevate your gastronomic experience with the luxurious Tournedos Rossini, a French steak dish featuring perfectly pan-fried beef tournedos served on a crouton and crowned with a hot slice of fresh foie gras. Indulge in the harmonious flavours of this opulent creation that will leave a lasting impression on your taste buds.

Duck foie gras


Nutritional Information per 100g
Energy (kJ): 2,521
Energy (kcal): 612
Protein (g): 5.5
Carbohydrate (g): 2,
of which sugars (g): 2
Fat (g): 65,
of which saturates (g): 25
Salt (g): 0.07
Halal: Yes
Lactose Free: Yes
Organic: No
Suitable for Vegetarians: No
Suitable for Vegan: No
Gluten Free: Yes

Store at -18°C and do not refreeze after defrosting.

Vacuum-packed tray

  • Thaw in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours.
  • Pat dry and optional: devein according to your personal preference and culinary needs.
  • Sear in a hot pan for 1-2 minutes per side.
  • Rest on paper towels briefly.
  • Slice and serve immediately.

Note: Take care when handling frozen foie gras as it can be fragile. Thawing gradually in the refrigerator is essential for preserving its quality. Enjoy this culinary delicacy in moderation and relish the exquisite taste of frozen Foie Gras.

Our product information, such as names, descriptions, specifications, and serving suggestion images, is not intended to provide a complete legal description of the products, and may not include all relevant information, including allergens. Casinetto may modify product specifications or information at any time without prior notice, and these changes may not be reflected online immediately. To access the latest and most comprehensive information about our products, including allergen details, please refer to the information on the product packaging.

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