Partridge Frozen 2pcs


1 Piece (640g)

Country of Origin: Spain

AED 100.79

Partridges are small game birds that are renowned for their distinct, gamey flavour and tender, lean meat. These birds come from wild environments, which gives their meat a unique taste that is highly sought after by chefs, food writers, and discerning consumers around the world. For decades, partridges have been considered a favourite dish of royalty, and their reputation for excellence has only continued to grow over the years. Today, leading chefs still use partridges as a key ingredient in many gourmet dishes, and food writers frequently extol their many virtues.
  • Urgasa partridges are particularly renowned for their quality, thanks to the company's careful rearing practices and rigorous quality controls.
  • Whether enjoyed as part of a special meal or incorporated into a wider range of culinary creations, Urgasa partridges are sure to impress even the most discerning palates.
  • Partridges are fascinating and versatile birds that offer both culinary and cultural value. Whether enjoyed as part of a gourmet meal or appreciated for their beauty and symbolism, partridges continue to capture the imagination of people around the world.

Learn more about Urgasa

Halal: Yes
Lactose Free: Yes
Organic: No
Suitable for Vegetarians: No
Suitable for Vegan: No
Gluten Free: Yes
Store at -18°C. Do not refreeze after thawing.
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